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By Alaina (Ruggery) VanDevender, Social Media Director

As we all know, the landscape of social media marketing is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. As we dive headfirst into 2024, brands and marketers alike should be nimble, adaptive and forward-thinking. Keep reading to explore the trends we think will take flight in 2024.

TLDR (too long; didn’t read) Ins and Outs of Social Media and Influencer Marketing

The Era of Short-Form Video

TikTok is the undisputed leader of short-form video content. While it continues to dominate the space, we are seeing quick, digestible videos take off on other platforms, including Instagram, Facebook and YouTube Shorts. While we know platforms are increasing the maximum video length for posts, let’s face it: a majority of us have short attention spans. We recognize the power of capturing a user’s interest in just a few seconds. To do that, brands will need to focus on creative and engaging video content.

The Power of Artificial Intelligence

Although AI can be scary to some, it’s not going anywhere. Brands and influencers should be equipped and ready to leverage one of the newest marketing tools on the block to their advantage. Take brands and marketers, for example, that are using AI to their benefit, whether that’s generating images when an asset isn’t available or combatting writer’s block. That said, there will always be a need for human eyes to double-check AI-generated content with the brand’s voice and goals in mind.

Authenticity Over Reach

In 2024, we are not just partnering with anyone. We’re looking for authentic influencers who are able to connect with their audience. Brands are moving away from prioritizing influencers based on their follower count and, instead, looking for influencers genuinely excited about a product or brand with an engaged audience.

Long-Term Partnerships

In order to build awareness with an influencer’s audience, we need to get in front of them more frequently. We’re focusing on building relationships with influencers and shifting toward long-term partnerships. While one-off campaigns have a time and place, focusing on planning for ongoing collaborations that allow for an authentic and sustained connection with the influencer’s audience will be key.

Niche Community Engagement

Content catered to specific interests will gain traction in 2024. Both brands and influencers will benefit from focusing on particular topics as users aren’t looking for mass marketing tactics. Casting a wide net won’t work this year. Alternatively, brands should identify and engage with communities relevant to their industry and goals to build a targeted and loyal audience.

Interactive, Personalized and Gamified Content

Gamification is a powerful tool in a social media marketer’s pocket. Content that captivates users and encourages participation will reign supreme in 2024. Everyone looks forward to Spotify Wrapped each year because it’s interactive and personalized. From quizzes and polls to immersive posts and beyond, these strategies will help boost your engagement, keeping audiences active with your brand.

The future of social media and influencer marketing is ever-changing and filled with opportunities to create engaging content in innovative ways. By staying tuned into these trends, we’re prepared to create more effective campaigns for the brands with which we’re working. Reach out if you’re interested in social media or influencer marketing services.

Who’s ready to see what other trends emerge in 2024?

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